Donnerstag, 1. März 2012


Wie die Klischee-Schwangere habe ich zur Zeit doch tatsächlich unbändige Lust auf Rollmops und überhaupt jeglichen rohen Fisch, auch Sushi. Hätte gestern den kurz zuvor gekauften Hering fast in der U-Bahn geöffnet und mit den Fingern gegessen, konnte mich aber gerade noch beherrschen. Zu Hause gab's kein Halten mehr, ich hab die ganze Packung auf einmal leer gemacht. Ich bin sicher, da ist etwas drin, was mein Körper zur Zeit braucht, wahrscheinlich das Fischöl, das auch Lebertran so wertvoll macht. Dabei handelt es sich meines Wissens nach um bestimmte Omega-3-Fettsäuren.

Komischerweise wollte die Apothekerin mir vorgestern aber keine Lebertrankapseln verkaufen, sie meinte, das sei erst ab der 12. Schwangerschaftswoche angebracht. Sei's drum, ich meine ohnehin: der echte rohe Fisch ist etwas ganz Anderes, Natürliches, das wird, wenn ich so enen Appetit darauf habe, sicher das Richtige sein. Ich bin sowieso mit Dr. Max-Otto Bruker davon überzeugt, im Verbund mit dem ganzen Fisch hat das Fischöl eine viel bessere Qualität und Wirkweise als isoliert als Kapsel.

1 Kommentar:

  1. I never thought I'd be writing this message but after 4.5 years of and nearly lost my marriage due to not be able to have a child, severe endometriosis and scanning, I was told that IVF was the only option. This was something we could not afford and had almost given up hope of becoming parents. A friend of mine recommended Priest Babaka to me and persuaded me to contact him, he did a spiritual breakthrough for me to make me get pregnant, within 3 weeks I was pregnant (naturally!!!) and gave birth to our son in April. I am writing this message for those women who are at the stage I was at.depressed with no light at the end of the tunnel. give Priest Babaka a try to help you solve your problem, and hopefully you'll have the same success that I have had. Here is his email address or Facebook at priestly.babaka wish you all happiness in your marriage

    I never thought I'd be writing this message but after 4.5 years of and nearly lost my marriage due to not be able to have a child, severe endometriosis and scanning, I was told that IVF was the only option. This was something we could not afford and had almost given up hope of becoming parents. A friend of mine recommended Priest Babaka to me and persuaded me to contact him, he did a spiritual breakthrough for me to make me get pregnant, within 3 weeks I was pregnant (naturally!!!) and gave birth to our son in April. I am writing this message for those women who are at the stage I was at.depressed with no light at the end of the tunnel. give Priest Babaka a try to help you solve your problem, and hopefully you'll have the same success that I have had. Here is his email address or Facebook at priestly.babaka wish you all happiness in your marriage
